En big boss is out for work again. For another week. He just went for a day, and there's a lot happen to us already. But for me, this is the way ALLAH want to show me that I am strong. Tidak ALLAH berikan ujian untuk hamba-NYA kecuali disertakan dengan kekuatan untuk menghadapinya. Dan dalam setiap satu perkara yg terjadi pada kita, ada hikmah disebaliknya. Ini Norsi pasti.
Ikhwan demam dah dekat lima ari.Hari Jumaat dah bawa ke klinik. Hari Sabtu dah kurang demamnya (kakak Norsi sebut dedar demam) tp Ahad demamnya datang blk. Jadi pagi ni bila demam Ikhwan masih main datang dan pergi macam tu, rancangnya nk bawa ke klinik skali lg.
Cabarannya : en big boss keje, kete dia bawa, dia tak leh blk dan mulai pg td dah tak bole dihubungi smp dia blk sok.
Penyelesaian : dia pass kunci kete kat member dia dan minta tolong anto kete kat umah. (terima kasih kpd mereka)
Yang membawa pula cabaran berikutnya : nak bw sakinah dan ikhwan ke klinik. nak turun dan naik umah yg berada di tingkat dua ni dan bawa kereta dengan dua anak kecik.
Penyelesaian : turun naik tangga sambil dukung ikhwan dan pimpin sakinah - memang mencabar. bawa kereta dgn meletakkan sakinah kat baby chair dan pangku ikhwan - iye mmg salah tp takde pilihan dah. nasib baik la klinik dekat je, takyah kuar jalan besar pun. ALHAMDULILLAH, sakinah baik je tak melasak sgt masa di klinik. kalo tak mmg tak terkejor.
Malam pula, tetiba kad astro tak aktif. Kena potong la ni. Hampeh betol. Baru sebulan tak bayo dah potong. Kami tak bayo pun sebab tak dpt bil. camne nak bayo. Kesian pula tgk sakinah bila tv tiba2 hitam. Dia bangun amek remote astro bg mak suruh tekan2 bg kuar gambo blk (iye.. anakku ini terer bab tv2 ni ye). Jadi tipon la astro dan bayo melalui tipon je. Kena tunggu maksimum 3 jam sebelum dia sambung. Sakinah sampai tertido menunggu tv.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
of fever and body temperature
My baby boy is unwell. He had a slight fever. Think he got it from his dad. Yeah.. his dad just recovered (and still recovering) from his 3 days fever. Being our own 'doctor', I tried to estimate how high the fever is. We had our own thermometer yet never sure of the normal body temperature. So done bit of searching and found out that the average temperature for adult is 37°C. From Wikipedia,
In adult men and women the normal range for oral temperature (under the tongue) is 33.2–38.2 °C (92–101 °F), for rectal it is 34.4–37.8 °C (94–100 °F), for the Tympanic cavity it is 35.4–37.8 °C (96–100 °F) and for axillary (under the armpit) it is 35.5–37.0 °C (96–99 °F).
Do you know that actually our body temperature is different during the night and day?
Body temperature normally fluctuates over the day, with the lowest levels around 4 a.m. and the highest in the late afternoon, between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m.(assuming the person sleeps at night and stays awake during the day). Therefore, an oral temperature of 37.2 °C (99.0 °F) would, strictly speaking, be normal in the afternoon but not in the morning.
Never knew this before.
The temperature reading depends on which part of the body is being measured. Measurements are commonly taken in the mouth, the ear, the anus, or the armpit. In females, the vagina can also be used. The median daytime temperature among healthy adults are as follows:
And oh yea.. according to Bupa, child's body temperature is more or less same with adult.
In adult men and women the normal range for oral temperature (under the tongue) is 33.2–38.2 °C (92–101 °F), for rectal it is 34.4–37.8 °C (94–100 °F), for the Tympanic cavity it is 35.4–37.8 °C (96–100 °F) and for axillary (under the armpit) it is 35.5–37.0 °C (96–99 °F).
Do you know that actually our body temperature is different during the night and day?
Body temperature normally fluctuates over the day, with the lowest levels around 4 a.m. and the highest in the late afternoon, between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m.(assuming the person sleeps at night and stays awake during the day). Therefore, an oral temperature of 37.2 °C (99.0 °F) would, strictly speaking, be normal in the afternoon but not in the morning.
Never knew this before.
The temperature reading depends on which part of the body is being measured. Measurements are commonly taken in the mouth, the ear, the anus, or the armpit. In females, the vagina can also be used. The median daytime temperature among healthy adults are as follows:
- Temperature in the anus (rectum/rectal), vagina, or in the ear (otic) is about 37.6 °C (99.7 °F)
- Temperature in the mouth (oral) is about 36.8 °C (98.2 °F)
- Temperature under the arm (axillary) is about 36.4 °C (97.6 °F)
And oh yea.. according to Bupa, child's body temperature is more or less same with adult.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
yang pergi..
Mendapat perkhabaran sedih bahawa nenek (yg kami panggil atok) meninggal awal malam td. Mak yang pada mulanya merancang balik pagi esok untuk melawat atok yg pada asalnya koma di hospital bergegas balik mlm ni juga.
Sedih tapi tahu yg lebih sedih adalah mak. Tahun lepas kami kehilangan arwah abah dan tahun ni atok pula. Paling terasa sudah tentu mak. Kehilangan suami dan kini kehilangan ibu pula. Semoga ALLAH memberi kami kekuatan untuk menghadapi ini semua.
Sesungguhnya dari ALLAH kita datang, kepada ALLAH jua kita kembali..
Sedih tapi tahu yg lebih sedih adalah mak. Tahun lepas kami kehilangan arwah abah dan tahun ni atok pula. Paling terasa sudah tentu mak. Kehilangan suami dan kini kehilangan ibu pula. Semoga ALLAH memberi kami kekuatan untuk menghadapi ini semua.
Sesungguhnya dari ALLAH kita datang, kepada ALLAH jua kita kembali..
Sunday, August 22, 2010
relax a bit
Just for fun..
source : the wide world of internet. enjoy..
Sunday night - I thought he was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a cafe to have some coffee. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment.
Conversation wasn't flowing so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk, he agreed but his mind was far away. I asked him what was wrong - he said, 'Nothing.' I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said it had nothing to do with me and not to worry.
On the way home I told him that I loved him, he simply smiled and kept driving. I can't explain his behavior; I don't know why he didn't say, 'I love u, too.'
When we got home I felt as if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there and watched TV; he seemed distant and absent.
Finally I decided to go to bed. About 10 minutes later he came to bed. I decided that I could not take it anymore, so I decided to confront him with the situation but he had fallen asleep. I started crying and cried until I too fell asleep. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else.
My life is a disaster.... ..
Today Liverpool lost again... SIGH...
-my foot note : it's true right :). woman do think a lot *wink*-
source : the wide world of internet. enjoy..
Wife's Diary vs Hubby's Diary
WIFE's DIARY Sunday night - I thought he was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a cafe to have some coffee. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment.
Conversation wasn't flowing so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk, he agreed but his mind was far away. I asked him what was wrong - he said, 'Nothing.' I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said it had nothing to do with me and not to worry.
On the way home I told him that I loved him, he simply smiled and kept driving. I can't explain his behavior; I don't know why he didn't say, 'I love u, too.'
When we got home I felt as if I had lost him, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there and watched TV; he seemed distant and absent.
Finally I decided to go to bed. About 10 minutes later he came to bed. I decided that I could not take it anymore, so I decided to confront him with the situation but he had fallen asleep. I started crying and cried until I too fell asleep. I don't know what to do. I'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else.
My life is a disaster.... ..
Today Liverpool lost again... SIGH...
-my foot note : it's true right :). woman do think a lot *wink*-
Management Lesson
One fine day, a bus driver went to the bus garage, started his bus, and drove off along the route. No problems for the first few stops - a few people got on, a few got off, and things went generally well.
At the next stop, however, a big hulk of a guy got on. Six feet eight,built like a wrestler, arms hanging down to the ground. He glared at the driver and said, "Big John doesn't pay!" and sat down at the back.
Did I mention that the driver was five feet three, thin, and basically meek? Well, he was. Naturally, he didn't argue with Big John, but he wasn't happy about it. The next day the same thing happened - Big John got on again, made a show of refusing to pay, and sat down. And the next day, and the next.
This grated on the bus driver, who started losing sleep over the way Big John was taking advantage of him. Finally he could stand it no longer. He signed up for body building courses, karate, judo, and all that good stuff. By the end of the summer, he had become quite strong; what's more, he felt really good about himself.
So on the next Monday, when Big John once again got on the bus and said, "Big John doesn't pay!"
The driver stood up, glared back at the passenger, and screamed, "And why not? "
The driver stood up, glared back at the passenger, and screamed, "And why not? "
With a surprised look on his face, Big John replied, "Big John has a bus pass."
Management Lesson: "Be sure there is a problem in the first place before working hard to solve one."
************Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Suatu kehilangan
Tak terucap dengan kata-kata,
Tak terluah apa yang dirasa,
Tak tergambar rindu yang melanda,
Kenangan.. itulah yang tinggal.
Monday, August 16, 2010
of pineapple tart
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The pineapple tart - picture taken from Has's blog |
Dah lama sebenarnye ngidam nk makan tat nenas. Sejak mengandungkan Ikhwan lg. Raya tahun lepas tak sempat pun nk cari tat nenas. Mana taknye. Tahun lepas en big boss x dpt cuti raya. Balik semenanjung pun mcm kartun. 3 ari je. Tiga ari tu la digunakan utk travel kk-kl-t'loh-kl-kk. Dah abis raya lagi la susah nk cari tat nenas. Norsi ni pun cerewet. Nak tat nenas yg sedap nyum nyum. Ada beli tat nenas yg di jual di Giant, tp tak puas ati.
Dalam dok mencari tu, dapat tau si Has jual tat nenas utk raya. Ohhh.. pucuk dicita ulam mendatang. Terus order awal2. Ikutkan tekak minta si Has anto sebelum puasa lagi, tp disebabkan en big boss xde dan kena tunggu dia blk utk minta izin, orderlah tatnye awal puasa. Jadinya terciptalah rekod bagi Norsi, hari ke 4 posa dah ada kuih raya (yg kompem tak sempat sampai raya. haha).
Akhirnya dapat juga makan tat nenas yg nyum nyum. Selamat satu mengidam. Mekasih la kat si Has ni. Skang tinggal choc moist cake je. Bila bole dapat ni? :)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Give Away Raya anyone?
Norsi adalah sangat suka 'blog walking'. Suka jengah blog orang sana sini. Dalam dok klik sana sini sampai kat satu blog ni. Blog kepunyaan Mrs Nor yg menjadikan hobi dan minatnya pada barangan antik dan hiasan gaya English sebagai bahan penulisannya. Dan Mrs Nor adalah dengan baik hatinya buat Give Away Raya untuk 3 blogger bertuah. Adiahnya? Haaaa... silalah lawat blog Mrs Nor ni untuk maklumat lanjut ye. (sebenarnye tak berjaya upload gambo dr blog Mrs Nor kat cni. hehe)
Hadiah yang comey dan cara nak join yg sgt mudah menarik2 Norsi untuk join. Ye la, walaupun blog 'd not so secret diary of a housewife' ni masih baru, Norsi dah lama ber'blogging' sebenarnya (lemah jantung cikgu BM norsi baca entry ni. hancus bahasa. hehe). Sejak 2005. Tapi ni la pertama kali nak join contest (lagi pencemaran bahasa di situ). Well, alang2 jengah blog orang sana sini baik buat sesuatu yang mana tahu.. ada rezeki.
Hemphhh.. ni dah menyimpan dari niat asal Norsi wat blog ni. hehe.
Hadiah yang comey dan cara nak join yg sgt mudah menarik2 Norsi untuk join. Ye la, walaupun blog 'd not so secret diary of a housewife' ni masih baru, Norsi dah lama ber'blogging' sebenarnya (lemah jantung cikgu BM norsi baca entry ni. hancus bahasa. hehe). Sejak 2005. Tapi ni la pertama kali nak join contest (lagi pencemaran bahasa di situ). Well, alang2 jengah blog orang sana sini baik buat sesuatu yang mana tahu.. ada rezeki.
Cryin' In The Rain
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Google image - taken from polyvore.com |
I am sooo evergreen when it come to music. I love Oh Carol, Love Story, Tell Laura I Love Her.. ohh you got the point. I usually love the song first before know the singers. No exception for The Everly Brothers. When I first heard the song All I Have To Do Is Dream, I was like.. 'oh my. so so soooo harmony. who's the singer? who's the singer?' And when I knew who they are, I started listening to their other songs too and guess what..I am hooked with Cryin' In The Rain. The lyrics, the melody, the harmony voices of the brothers.. everything about the song catched my heart. So here, as tribute to one of my all time fav song..
I'll never let you see
The way my broken heart is hurting me
I've got my pride and i know how to hide
All my sorrow and pain
I'll do my crying in the rain
If I wait for cloudy skies
You won't know the rain from the tears in my eyes
You'll never know that I'll still love you so
Though the heartaches remains
I'll do my crying in the rain
Rain drops falling from heaven
Could never wash away my misery
But since we're not together
I pray for stormy wheather
To hide these tears I hope you'll never see
Someday when my crying's done
I'm gonna wear a smile and walk in the sun
I'm maybe a fool but till then darling
You'll never see me complain
I'll do my crying in the rain..
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Google pic from strathdee.wordpress.com |
and oh yeaaa.. am only love the original version. no remake version for me please.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
under construction
Blog is back to the 'under construction' mode. There will be a few things that are sore to the eyes for a while. Please bear it with me.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Anak daraku..
Ni bukan masa di Teluk Likas, ni Sakinah ms jalan2 di Tanjung Aru |
Anak daraku seorang ni nampaknya telah menunjukkan ciri2 kaki berjalan. Bosan agaknya dia seminggu terperap di rumah sbb abahnya takde. Jadi Jumaat lepas bila abahnya balik dan ajak keluar, paling semangat sekali Sakinahlah. Siap mengamuk bila abah yg sedang mendukungnya letakkan dia blk sbb nk cari kunci kereta. Elok kuar pintu umah, sengihhhh memanjang. Mood pun baikkkk je sepanjang petang hingga ke malam.
Hari Sabtu, cadangnya nk bawa Sakinah dan adik jalan2 kat Taman Awam Teluk Likas tapi dua2 beradik tido sampai lewat petang. Jadi bila dorang bgn cuma bw jalan2 kat taman mainan mini kt bawah. Excited sakinah. Menjerit bila abahnya dukung nk bw naik umah. Tak nak blk. Dan smalam barulah berkesempatan pergi Teluk Likas. Pun pergi dah agak petang. Seronok tgk Sakinah lari2 sambil pegang bola ke hulu ke hilir. Duduk tak lama. Menjerit2 Sakinah bila dibawa masuk dlm kereta. Tak puas main. Kali ni pujuk mcmana pun tak jalan dah. Sakinah2..
Taman Awam Teluk Likas |
Sunday, August 1, 2010
En big boss is going away for a few days. Means I won't have anyone to talk to for few days. Well, beside Sakinah and Ikhwan that is. Which also means I won't have any coherent conversation for some times unless I call mom and mom in law.
This going to be a looong week.
This going to be a looong week.
cite pasal basuh baju
Cantiknya cuaca hari ni. Langit biru yg cerah, sinaran matahari yang terang. Dalam musim hujan kat KK ni, cuaca yg cerah macam ni memang membuat ati tertarik2 utk membasuh baju. Seronok tengok baju terbuai2 kering di bawah cahaya matahari.
Tapi duduk rumah apartmen ni yang tak seronoknya tempat nk sidai baju terhad. Nak pulak org atas basuh baju pakai tangan. Jangan salah faham ye. Bukan prejudis terhadap org yg basuh baju pakai tangan ni. Norsi ni dari kecik sampai dah menengah, mak basuh baju pakai tangan gak. Tapi umah apartmen ni, bila org atas basuh baju pakai tangan, turut mempengaruhi basuhan Norsi org tingkat bawah ni (umah norsi tingkat dua ye bukan bwh skali). Umah kami takde bumbung kt tempat ampaian tu, jadi setiap kali org atas sidai baju, airnye menitik straight ke ampaian kami. Sejujurnya Norsi tak pula marah org atas, paham benda ni tak leh nk elak. Jadi apa yg Norsi buat, selalunya Norsi akan sidai baju lambat. Orang atas ni rajin, awal pagi dah sidai baju. Jadi Norsi sidai baju lewat skit. Dalam kul 10, 11 baru sidai baju; tunggu baju dia dah kering skit. Hehe.
Tapi kengkadang tu tak syiok jugak. Bukan apa, kengkadang ujan petang, baju tak sempat kering betul sbb sidai lambat. Lagi pula skang musim ujan.
Hemphh... nak wat camne. Adatla hidup berjiran. Kena ada tolak ansur kan? :)
Tapi duduk rumah apartmen ni yang tak seronoknya tempat nk sidai baju terhad. Nak pulak org atas basuh baju pakai tangan. Jangan salah faham ye. Bukan prejudis terhadap org yg basuh baju pakai tangan ni. Norsi ni dari kecik sampai dah menengah, mak basuh baju pakai tangan gak. Tapi umah apartmen ni, bila org atas basuh baju pakai tangan, turut mempengaruhi basuhan Norsi org tingkat bawah ni (umah norsi tingkat dua ye bukan bwh skali). Umah kami takde bumbung kt tempat ampaian tu, jadi setiap kali org atas sidai baju, airnye menitik straight ke ampaian kami. Sejujurnya Norsi tak pula marah org atas, paham benda ni tak leh nk elak. Jadi apa yg Norsi buat, selalunya Norsi akan sidai baju lambat. Orang atas ni rajin, awal pagi dah sidai baju. Jadi Norsi sidai baju lewat skit. Dalam kul 10, 11 baru sidai baju; tunggu baju dia dah kering skit. Hehe.
Tapi kengkadang tu tak syiok jugak. Bukan apa, kengkadang ujan petang, baju tak sempat kering betul sbb sidai lambat. Lagi pula skang musim ujan.
Hemphh... nak wat camne. Adatla hidup berjiran. Kena ada tolak ansur kan? :)
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