Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cheeky boy had turned 4

Our cheeky boy is officially 4. His Acik Ina made this special photo for him (which his sister immediately asked for one for her incoming birthday too).

As for me, I made him cheese cake. Kek Lapis Kukus Cream Cheese. Got the recipe from Kak Ita Masam Manis blog. Disebabkan takde pengukus, Norsi buat stail double boiler. Segala susah payah memang berbaloi. Sedapppp!! 

And as always, the funniest one will be Sakinah. She is very excited when it come to birthday. Bila Norsi cakap birthday Ikhwan, beria dia buat kad utk Ikhwan. Malangnya si adik pandang pun tak. Haha. Lepas tu sbb takde hadiah, Sakinah susun mainan dalam kotak kecil dan konon-konon hadiah surprise buat Ikhwan. Pun Ikhwan layan nak tak nak je. Alahai.. kesian anak mak. Hehehe. 

Itu je la. Haha. Kali ni tak sambut beria sbb abahnya keje (dah sbb nk sambut sekali dgn kakaknya). Niat dihati nak beli hadiah kecil tapi masih tak berkesempatan nk beli. 

Apapun, this boy is indeed 'ANUGERAH' ALLAH for our family.

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