Monday, September 24, 2012

Playing pretending

Sakinah is playing pretending. She is the doctor in the house.
She took her toy cup and check mum's ears with the cup (while pretending the cup is the torchlight). Decided that mum's ears are in good condition.
Took hold of mum's fingers. Decided that mum had thorn in her fingers. Gently blow mum's finger before using her toy tweezers to took out the torn. 

Ohhh.. so sweet. 

Ni pengaruh Doc McStuffin la ni. Heh.

Ikhwan? Playing pretending will usually mean he is the Ultraman and mum and sister will forever be the dinosaur. Roaarrr!Roaarr! Heh.

Great.. we got doctor, ultraman and dinosaur in the house!

Disebabkan mak ngn kakak dinosor, kenalah comey kan. Hehe
Comey betul doktornye. Mesti teddy tu cepat baik. Hehe.

Ikhwan bila jadi Ultraman muka lagi garang dari Ultraman sebenar. Hehe.

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